Starting September 3rd, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome to a new year and new faces. One thing will stay the same and that is our drop off in the morning.
1. The 6th street gate, by staff parking, will open at 7:45 for non-breakfast students.
3rd and 4th graders will enter the gated area in the morning.
Breakfast students will still enter the front doors by the office.
Students will be supervised in the area just inside the gate.
The playground equipment will not be available for students due to limited supervision.
2. There will be supervisors for the 7:45 opening and but no monitoring the crosswalks.
Cones will be in the crosswalks for morning drop off on 6th street and Wyoming.
Crossing guards will be at 6th Street and Wyoming for afternoon pick ups.
3rd grade will still exit from the front doors, AT 3:20 PM. 4th grade will exit from the 6th street gate, AT 3:26 PM. This change has been made to reconcile the school year calendar with state mandated aggregate hours for grade 4.
3. Tardy students will still enter the front door by the office.
4. At the 8:00 bell, 3rd and 4th graders will line up in designated areas to be escorted into the building by their classroom teachers.
Thank you for being an advocate for your child.